((( reverberations ))) with John Stuart
((( reverberations ))) is a journey into the power of our voice, our stories and our co-creative capacity.
With deep dives into the full spectrum of the human experience; each episode invites you to tune in, be curious and explore new perspectives that may inspire meaningful personal and social transformation.
Don't let the conversation stop here. The intent of ((( reverberations ))) is for you to carry it forward, share your insights, spark new dialogue, debate possibilities, create solutions, engage and participate in a more sustainable and harmonious human experience.
This is a space where our voices are amplified... where the conversations are brought to the table... where we become #BetterTogether
Please visit amplifyyourlove.com for more information on John Stuart and to join the #BetterTogether movement
((( reverberations ))) with John Stuart
Thriving Family Dynamics w/ Cynthia Mendez Tamayo
In this episode, Cynthia Mendez Tamayo, LMFT brings to light the profound influence of societal expectations on families, urging for a proactive redefinition of family systems amidst the challenges of contemporary life. With a keen focus on understanding family of origin, Cynthia explores avenues to navigate the complex landscape of familial dynamics.
The discussion delves into the significance of our voice, our values and introduces the Thriving Family coaching model as a guide in fostering intentional and harmonious family dynamics. Highlighting the relevance of Human Design in parenting and the symbiotic relationship between self-care and Human Design, Cynthia offers practical insights and transformative perspectives for authentically navigating the complexities of modern family life.
Addressing the broader impact of societal expectations on moms and families, the conversation underscores the need to shift societal systems towards supporting individual needs and fostering harmonious co-creation within the family unit. Our conversation also explores how creating safe and supportive spaces within the family for open communication and exploration provides a roadmap for a guided exploration into the heart of thriving family dynamics.
show notes:
IG: @cynthia.soulalignedwellness
Amplify Your Love
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