((( reverberations ))) with John Stuart
((( reverberations ))) is a journey into the power of our voice, our stories and our co-creative capacity.
With deep dives into the full spectrum of the human experience; each episode invites you to tune in, be curious and explore new perspectives that may inspire meaningful personal and social transformation.
Don't let the conversation stop here. The intent of ((( reverberations ))) is for you to carry it forward, share your insights, spark new dialogue, debate possibilities, create solutions, engage and participate in a more sustainable and harmonious human experience.
This is a space where our voices are amplified... where the conversations are brought to the table... where we become #BetterTogether
Please visit amplifyyourlove.com for more information on John Stuart and to join the #BetterTogether movement
((( reverberations ))) with John Stuart
Awaken the Voice Within w/ Vaishnavi Brassey
In this episode, we journey into the intersection of voice and trauma healing with Vaishnavi Brassey and how to utilize our most potent resource to awaken our Soul's Yes.
Vaishnavi's fervor for empowering individuals to reclaim their voices takes center stage as she shares her commitment to trauma healing and embodiment work. We explore the transformative power of self-compassion, the creation of safe spaces to conquer trauma-related fears and Vaishnavi's spiritual awakening ignited by a chance encounter with Ama, the hugging saint in London.
This profound conversation touches upon the significance of support and encouragement in activating one's voice and delves into the spiritual realms with discussions on devotion, mantra, and Bhakti Yoga.
We also discuss the transformative potential of human expression through sound, the importance of reclaiming our innate bodily expressions and the need to embrace all aspects of the human experience.
Join us for an inspiring exploration to awaken the voice within and access the secrets to personal transformation.
show notes:
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Amplify Your Love
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